We're now ISO 27001 certified!


5 min read

We're now ISO 27001 certified!

Styrmir Masson

Styrmir Masson

Oct 31, 2018


    We're now ISO 27001 certified!

    We're very proud to announce that we're now ISO 27001 certified, making Planday one of the only platforms in our field to meet the highest internationally recognized security standard.

    What is ISO 27001?

    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is an independent, international organization that sets the global standards for security and safety. In short, ISO consults experts all over the world to create standards that define what excellence looks like.

    ISO 27001 is a part of the ISO 27000 family of standards, which are all related to information security. ISO 27001 requires a company to have an information security management system, which means having a documented process for managing sensitive company information, HR processes, and IT systems.

    What does being ISO 27001 certified mean?

    Well, in short, that means Planday has a world-class information security management system in place! We've made improvements to our IT structure, office security, training, risk assessment, and much more. We then went through the rigorous audit and certification process with the British Assessment Bureau— an ISO certification body.

    What are the benefits to Planday customers?

    Being ISO 27001 certified is testament to the fact that Planday prioritizes data security. But it also ensures the following:

    • Customer data is rigorously protected
    • We assess, minimize, and eliminate risks and vulnerabilities
    • Planday is compliant with the highest standard for information security, making us compliant with other regulations
    • We're creating an internal culture of security within Planday, so all employees prioritize information security by design
    • Operational excellence when it comes to our IT, HR, and information processes

    This certification is the latest milestone in our information security roadmap to continuously demonstrate our commitment to data security. Planday strives to achieve operational excellence and world-class information security standards when it comes to our IT, HR, and information processes.

    We understand that Planday is integral to running thousands of businesses all over the world, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Everyone at Planday is deeply dedicated to protecting our customers' data, and we're very happy to have our ISO 27001 certification to prove it.

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