Creating a Customer Acquisition Funnel Template For Your Business


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Creating a Customer Acquisition Funnel Template For Your Business


    Creating a Customer Acquisition Funnel Template For Your Business

    You’re probably well aware of the standard customer acquisition funnel.

    This funnel, which represents the traditional flow of customers from leads to buyers, is a way to target your marketing practices and centre in on the things that you need to do in order to turn more potential buyers into actual buyers. And while having a good understanding of this general funnel is very important, it’s more important that you know how yourparticular funnel works.

    The customer acquisition funnel can look quite different from business to business, even those that are within the same industry. To create your own, you need to take the broad categories that define the buyer’s journey — i.e. awareness, consideration, decision — and break them down into the component parts that drive your specific acquisition strategy. 

    From there, you can optimise each section and engage in the marketing activities that are best suited to guiding prospects and leads in the right direction. Here’s how to begin. 

    Step 1: Start With Your Goals

    You might know that you want to raise revenue by 25% this year, or get 5,000 new followers on Instagram in the next quarter. But unless you’re taking the time to visualise how you’ll get there, you’re going to have a tough time steering the course.

    A customer acquisition funnel is great for putting a plan to how you’re going to achieve your goals. And to make one that’s advantageous to your team, you’ll have to know exactly what those goals are. Make a unique customer acquisition funnel for each of your major goals, and maybe even your minor goals too. The goal is to be able to visualise the path to success as clearly and succinctly as you can so that it’s easier to achieve in the end.

    Step 2: Figure Out Your Format

    The only rule when creating your customer acquisition funnel is that all noted efforts must point toward a common and overarching purpose. There’s a lot of leeway however in terms of what those efforts are and what they’re heading toward. How you format your customer acquisition funnel template then will depend largely on what goal it’s being created for.

    Big level goals warrant broad funnels that encompass various channels and touchpoints. More narrow goals, on the other hand, are best suited to funnels that break them down into highly defined component parts. When designing your format, start from the bottom and build backwards — it’s a lot easier than going the other direction.

    Step 3: Look For Redundancies or Unnecessary Steps

    One of the major benefits of creating a customer acquisition funnel template is that it forces you to take a high level look at the processes that are driving how you do business. And oftentimes, you’ll end up a bit surprised by what you find. It’s not uncommon to discover redundancies or inefficiencies in your protocol that can be tweaked for better results. Keep an eye out for them, and use this as an opportunity to not just define the funnel but to streamline it as well.

    Be sure to tackle each funnel from all angles — including all inbound, paid, and outbound acquisition marketing strategies. There’s a real advantage in creating a personalised customer acquisition funnel that’s as well thought out as possible, and while it might take a bit of work up front, it will almost certainly save you time in the long run.

    There’s no better time than now to get a full grasp on what your customer acquisition journey looks like. Sit down with your team and get to work — you’ll be glad that you did.

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